Manufacturing Websites, Your Source – Manufacturing.Website

We make manufacturing websites fast, easy, productive and affordable.

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Here we showcase a sampling of manufacturing websites.  Straight-forward, factual information.

The Industrial Buying Process

97% of industrial products are bought, not sold.  When a buyer has a need for a supplier, they don’t wait for a salesperson to call or literature to arrive in the mail…they actively seek out a supplier.  Today the internet is the way buyers – whether engineers, purchasing agents, plant managers, facilities managers or owners – seek out suppliers.  The average buyer looks at four potential suppliers, two known sources, and two new sources to get info on the latest technology and to get competitive bids to keep the known sources honest.

Our job is to make sure you’re among the first four suppliers (preferably first) found by buyers.  And when they find you, to ensure that you look like the kind of company buyers would like to deal with.  Finally, we make it easy for buyers to contact you – with calls to action and complete contact information on virtually every page of your site.  Then it’s all up to you.

Manufacturing Websites – How-To

We’ll be adding more how-tos from WebForging, A Practical Guide to the Art of Forging Your Web Presence

For now, here are the basics.                                          Manufacturing Websites Banner Ad

#1 Design   Straight-forward, reliable, drill down from the general to the specific, layouts.  Visually appealing, without having to be artsy-fartsy.

#2 Functional   Everything works.  Copyrights are updated.  Contact forms say “thank-you” (to practice our two great rules of marketing, common sense <let buyers know you got their inquiry> and common courtesy <say “thank you”>.

#3 Security  Everything should be secure.  Obviously.

#4  Marketing   Everything is optimized.  Your site won’t truly be functional without being found.  Learn more at our partner’s site:

Be a resource for specifiers and buyers in your industry.

We’ll follow-up with more.  Subscribe to our newsletter.  Follow us on social media.  Contact us with suggestions or questions anytime.



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