About Us

About US – Industrial Marketing

We are OnYourMark, LLC.  Our primary focus is Industrial Marketing.

Our founder was an Independent Contractor for the Thomas Register of American Manufacturers for ten years.  In the 7th year of that span, our focus shifted from the print universe to online marketing.  We still team with manufacturers who engaged us in print back in the 1980s!

Klein Industrial Marketing Group became Klein Internet Marketing Group in 1995

What a difference!

In the 1990s, we based web design on making sites look like print materials from our clients.  Now our clients tell printers to make their literature look like their websites!

We have clients who spend 10% of the marketing budget they had just 10 or 15 years ago.  All online.  Dropping (not all, but most) print, direct marketing, trade shows and going 90% online…and getting better results than ever!

Now, over half of our own new business comes from referrals.  We believe our websites simply help cement those referrals.  The rest come from people entering search terms.  You have to take a serious look at sites that are tops for what you’re looking for.  After all, you want your industrial marketing website to come up tops for your own prospects and customers.

Contact Us for Help with Your Industrial Marketing!